Cecil Seaskull / Nerdy GirlCountry of origin:Canada and U.S. Type of music generally:Indie/alternative pop/rock Status:Most recent official release, whoever (1998) See also:Cecil Seaskull/Cecil Castellucci's site Comparisons:A cross of Lois (stripped-down sound) and Juliana Hatfield and Lisa Cerbone (high, babyish vocals) with a little of Mary Lou Lord's almost-acknowledged disingenuousness and a touch of early Liz Phair. Covers/own material:Own with occasional covers General comments:Nerdy Girl is from Montréal, and is basically Cecil Seaskull. The sound is very stripped-down twee indie rock, She has a babyish voice, but it works because the overall sound is so minimalist. Pop. Fun. Alternative. Snarky lyrics. More minimal than noisy—but noisy. I like it a lot. If you run across any of the recordings and you like indie rock, grab them. (Neile) Comments about live performance:I first saw Cecil perform without Nerdy Girl two years ago opening for Mary Lou Lord and was utterly underwhelmed by her new acoustic material. Since then, she's been playing occasionally around her new adopted hometown of LA at small cafes continuing to push her girlie acoustic punk. Her sound doesn't come across off nearly as well in live performance as an album. (1998, thecritics@earthlink.net) Recommended first album:Whatever you can find Recordings:
As Nerdy GIrl:
Nerdy Girl (10" vinyl ep)Release info:1994—No Life Availability:Out of print, label defunct. Ecto priority:Recommended for indiepop fans Group members:Cecil Seaskull—voice, guitar Comments:A great introduction to a fun band. (Neile) New Jersey (7" single)Release info:1995—RightWide Records (Canada)—RWR0011 Availability:May be possible to find this in Montréal Ecto priority:Recommended for indiepop fans Group members:Cecil Seaskull—voice, guitar Produced by:Gordon Hashimoto, Rod Shearer Comments:Three fun songs, including a delightfully odd cover of The Beatles' "She Said She Said". (Neile) Dime Story Hussey (7" single)Release info:1996—No Life/Janken pon (Canada) Availability:Out of print, No Life label defunct, but the Janken pon version may still be available in Montréal Ecto priority:Recommended for indiepop fans Group members:Cecil Seaskull—voice, guitar Produced by:Rod Shearer and Nerdy Girl Comments:Three more fun songs. Well worth tracking down. (Neile) Twist HerRelease info:1996—No Life/Janken pon,(Canada)—NL013 Availability:Currently digital only Ecto priority:Recommended for indiepop fans Group members:Cecil Seaskull—voice, guitar Guest artists:Geneviève Heistek—violin on one track Produced by:Rod Shearer and Cecil Seaskull Comments:On the edge, strange, alternative, baby-voiced truly fun alternapop. Lovely her snarking at Jane Austen's character, Anne Elliot in the song of that title. (Neile) whoeverRelease info:1998—teenage USA—teen008 Availability:Currently digital only Ecto priority:Recommended for indiepop fans Group members:Cecil Seaskull—guitar, vocals Guest artists:Julie McGovern—guitar (1, 4, 12) Produced by:Steve Kravac and Cecil Comments:If you are an indierock listener and don't mind babyish voices, this is for you. Quite a lot of the time it's for me, too. Cecil Seaskull used to be in Nerdy Girl, so if you liked them, you'll like her solo work, too. Stripped-down, indie sounding, quirky. Yell-singing mocking "I love him! He's perfect!", several soft sincere-sounding love songs, almost Liz Phair-like in the flat honesty of her statement. There's a song in French, too (Seaskull is from Montreal). The tunes are always catchy, and the tunes mostly earnest. Good listening. (Neile) Further info:Cecil Castellucci also writes well-respected young adult novels. |
DISCLAIMER: Comments and reviews in the Ectophiles' Guide are excerpted from the ecto mailing list or volunteered by members of the list. They are the opinions of music enthusiasts, not professional music critics.
Entry last updated 2016-08-30 14:42:51. Please request permission if you wish to reproduce any of the comments in the Ectophiles' Guide in any context. |
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